IB Middle Years Programme (MYP)

The Middle Years Programme (MYP): preparing students to be successful in school and to be active, lifelong learners.

The MYP:
  • holistically addresses students’ intellectual, social, emotional and physical well-being
  • provides students with opportunities to develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills they need in order to manage complexity, and take responsible action for the future
  • ensures breadth and depth of understanding through study in eight subject groups
  • requires the study of at least two languages to support students in understanding their own cultures and those of others
  • empowers students to participate in service with the community
  • helps to prepare students for further education, the workplace and a lifetime of learning.

For more information please visit: https://www.ibo.org/programmes/middle-years-programme/
[Text used from official IB website: ibo.org]

The International School of Herzen University is a authorized * participating school implementing the International Baccalaureate High School Program (MYP).

*Only authorized schools can offer one or more International Baccalaureate programs.


In 9th grade (MYP 5) students have a chance to participate in eAssessments and ePortfolios. This is a chance to have their work externally moderated and receive prestigious official IB certificates for their work in specific subjects.

  • 2-hour offline exams with assignments based on MYP concepts and developed in global MYP contexts;
  • held in May 9th grade;
  • reviewed by external examiners;

ISHU exam results in 2022

Personal project

The average score at school is 3.62 (rus), 4.33 (eng).

Subject Exams

Subject Average score at school
English LA (Proficient) 7/7
English LA (Capable) 5/7
French LA (Capable) 6,5/7
Maths 5,33/7
Spanish LA (Capable) 5/7

Electronic portfolio

  • a collection of the results of the final work of the examination unit / module;
  • the examination unit / module is developed by the school teacher;
  • performed in January-March 9th grade;
  • is evaluated by school teachers and is subject to external moderation.

At ISHU, we have two tracks for studying in the MYP. The first track is for those students who wish to learn subjects in both Russian and English. These students often have their essential subjects taught in both languages. The second track is for students who wish to study exclusively in English. Regardless of which track your student chooses, they will study multiple languages: English and Russian plus an additional language (usually French, Spanish or German).

The MYP programme prepares its graduates to study at international high schools anywhere in the world whether they study 5-9th grades at our school or less.

Students who take the Russian state exams ("ГИА") in 9th grade also graduate with a Russian state certificate of education ("Аттестат").

Our students have the option of taking MYP exams, too (called "eAssessment") in any MYP subjects they would like. If students would like to receive an official IB MYP certificate they must take 8 eAssessments and receive passing marks. Talk to our IB coordinator to learn more.

Finally, students who complete the MYP are poised to do exceptionally well in the IB's Diploma Programme (10-11th grades). ISHU offers this elite educational opportunity which prepares students to enter the best universities around the world. Talk to our IB coordinator to learn more.

The MYP is a framework for holistic education, which offers a unique set of approaches.  Some of these key approaches are: 

Inquiry - The MYP classroom is focused on teachers and students finding answers to big and little questions together!

Critical Thinking - Students are not just taught content but rather the skills of the 21st century: analyzing and evaluating information.

Personal Projects - In the 5th year of the MYP students get a chance to combine the skills and knowledge they've attained through doing a rigorous personal project!

Interdisciplinary Learning - Every year students of the MYP have interdisciplinary units where they learn to think outside the confines of one subject and to solve real world problems!

Approaches to teaching and learning - In the MYP we understand that results depend on more than just knowing information. andwe work hard to teach the skills needed to be a successful student in all subjects. MYP teachers practice a variety of approaches to teaching that ensure that students' individual needs are met and they're learning is conceptual and connected to the real world among other things.