Лаптева Лилия Брониславовна

Liliya Bronislavovna


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Awarded the honorary badge "Excellence in Public Education". She pays special attention to the scientific organization of the work of educational and methodological associations and creative teachers.

Танцуева Елена Александровна

Elena Aleksandrovna

Deputy principal for the International School of Herzen University

Mathematics teacher of the highest category. She focuses on the development of aspects of the scientific and methodological theme of the school "Prospects for the development of human resources in the school." Supervises academic work in middle and high school.

Сумина Марина Юрьевна

Marina Yurievna

Deputy principal for the School of Herzen University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Docent. One of the authors of the program "Information Culture", developed for students in grades 1-6. Awarded with the badge of honor "For the humanization of the school"

Жовтонога Ольга Ивановна


Deputy principal for SPbIS

The badge "Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation". Pays special attention to the development of creative abilities of students.

Гусарова Ксения Анатольевна

Ksenia Anatolievna

Head of Marketing Department

The main aim of her activity is the promotion of educational services of the school, as well as high-quality information and organizational work with clients.

Екатерина Вадимовна Рыбакова


Координатор Дипломной программы Международного бакалавриата

Teacher (experience 17 years): English Language and World History.
Certificates: DP Leading the Leaning Cat 2, DP Administration Cat 1, CELTA, TKT, CPE.
About myself: «Dancing, reading and gardening make me happy».