St. Petersburg International School
St. Petersburg International School, grades 1-11, Chekistov str., 13 letter B
SPbIS - for children aged 6.5 - 17 years old
in the palace-estate Novo-Znamenka

St. Petersburg International School was established in 1998 by order of the Governor of St. Petersburg as an element of the city's infrastructure as part of the project to turn St. Petersburg into the "European Gate way of Russia".

The school is located in a park area in the south-west of St. Petersburg in the Novo-Znamenka palace-estate, built in the 18th century by architect A. Rinaldi.

The teaching staff of the St. Petersburg International School pays great attention to creating comfortable conditions for the education of school children.

An individual approach to each student, a variety of educational programs, the use of alternative and additional forms of education, as well as the creative activity of teachers and students (the newspaper "School Adventures" has been published since 1999, dance and music groups, an art studio, and a school theater have been created and successfully operate) allow to reveal and develop the abilities of school children and provide a quality education that allows graduates to successfully continue their education in the best Russian and foreign universities.

Licenses and accreditation